
In the 中学, the first milestone of the performing arts program starts with an idea. 这是一个想法, agreed upon after multiple brainstorming sessions by the grade 5 class, then morphs into something tangible (and so very Ellis): a completely original play written, 执行, and staged by the 中学’s youngest students. 
This fast-paced introduction to the 中学’s collaborative theatre arts program 集s the stage for girls to see the theater as a place for teamwork, 创造力, 和社区. 

Throughout the performing arts arc, 中学 students are encouraged to pose and explore questions through a creative lens—questions about the roles they’ll be taking on, 关于他们自己的问题, 关于彼此的问题, questions about the world around them. Together as cast and crew members, girls make meaning of those questions via the creative process. They’re literally and figuratively empowered to use—and raise—their voices. From speaking up about a line they’re uncomfortable reciting or belting out the finale song as part of a larger ensemble, 在表演艺术中, 女孩们通过实践一起学习. As a result, they gain an invaluable sense of shared accomplishment. 

“There is no doubt that intentionally providing this brave space for girls to push themselves, 将失败视为反馈, and bounce back to ultimately achieve success as a team has an important impact on their future,” shares 中学 Head Michelle Rust.

In grades 6, 7, and 8, the theatre arts are offered via electives and extracurricular activities. Girls may choose whether they want to participate in the communal grade 6/7 play, 八年级轻歌剧, and/or take a performing arts elective which includes offerings on Shakespeare, 喜剧, 音乐剧, 和代理. 在这些排练中表演, 即兴创作, 以及公开演讲, students are interdependent; they depend on one another to succeed. Every girl works toward the common goal—a successful performance—and contributes to it.    

Together in the theater, students solve formal and personal conflicts. They dissect lines, interpret characters, determine staging. They str等h their abilities—take risks, 失败, 再试一次——作为一个整体, constantly pushing each other to hit that note, 试一试那个角色, 或者完成舞蹈动作. 

“A production is bigger than just one person,莉迪亚·吉布森分享道。, Middle and 上学校 Performing Arts Teacher. “In order to create a fully developed and enriching experience, multiple aspects must come together: lighting, 声音, 集, 服装, 表演者, 董事, 阶段管理, 等. 这需要沟通, 创造力, and the ability to release and promote ideas in order to work with others on the bigger picture.”
“The skill 集s gained through performance can be incorporated into any environment in the girls’ lives. It’s crucial that they learn what a supportive, energizing and creative environment looks like from a young age, because it will help them soar in any future endeavors they face.”

The many hours of practice 中学 students put forth in the art of performance will culminate next week for the Class of 2024 as auditions for “Fame Jr.,” the Grade 8 Operetta, are 集 to begin. While students are not required to take part in the operetta, the majority do and have prepared for their final 中学 stage debut by singing in the choir, performing in Ellis plays and talent shows, taking music classes and electives, and playing in the orchestra in grades 5 through 7.

“All of these opportunities throughout 中学 allow girls to find their niche 在表演艺术中. Whether it’s through stage design, 跳舞, 或工具, the goal is for 我们的学生 to provoke emotion and reach the audience in different ways,伊利莎·希尔说。, Middle and 上学校 Music Teacher. “Collaboration is the nature of the theater, and the work they’ve done together up to this point prepares them for their final show together as a class.” 

A coming-of-age story about the legendary New York High School of the Performing Arts, this year’s production of “Fame Jr.“将, 就像剧集本身的情节一样, highlight the camaraderie and combined effort it takes to put on a performance amidst a young cast of aspiring artists. 

Whether they’re center stage or behind-the-scenes, the Ellis Theatre Arts program inspires girls to take risks—big and small, 个人和集体. It’s in that area outside of their comfort zone, where girls are learning their lines or practicing in full 服装 for the first time, that 中学 thespians learn to give and receive feedback, 通过冲突沟通, and realize that they can accomplish more together than on their own.


If you're interested in exploring Ellis for your daughter, let's connect! 请求的信息 about enrollment, attend one of our 即将来临的事件, or hear about Ellis from those who know it best: 我们的学生.