的 Ongoing Journey of Becoming an Inclusive School Community

I brought my oldest daughter, Gianna, to Ellis Spring Break Camp with me in 2016. 当时,我是一名幼儿园代课老师. I figured it would be a nice mother-daughter experience, no more, no less.
Gianna was an extremely shy 3-year-old who desired to take risks but was afraid to take the first step. At the start of camp, she found herself standing at the volcano apparatus on the playground. Those big brown eyes sent the signal that she wished to climb to the top, yet was fearful to try. 我还没来得及鼓励她试一试, 我看到一大群澳门新葡新京官方的学生围着她, 一些年纪较大的学生爬到了顶端, 向吉安娜伸出手,唱着歌, “来吧, Gianna! 你可以做到的! 我们不会让你倒下的!” 的 support of her new Ellis family gave her the confidence and boost she needed to go for it, 她成功了! I knew right then and there that 澳门官方老葡京 was the place for my daughters to attend school and grow into their fullest potential. 

What was it about that moment that solidified my decision to apply for my daughters to attend Ellis? 第一个, the diversity of the 学生 surrounding Gianna on the playground that day made me realize that Ellis would be a place where Gianna could be her most authentic self. I knew that at Ellis she would be surrounded by a diverse group of 学生 who would enrich her life and lived experiences. Because not only did the 学生 not give Gianna a hard time for being timid, they embraced her and gave her the support she needed to reach her goal. 的 way each student included Gianna and made her feel a sense of belonging sent a strong message to me that Ellis is an inclusive space. 

现在我担任多元化主任的角色, 股本, 和艾利斯的包容, I have set clear expectations and goals towards ensuring that every student feels like they are seen, 听到, 已知的, 公平对待, 就像那天吉安娜在操场上做的那样. 的se expectations and goals were a collaborative effort written in partnership with our Head of School, 梅肯芬利, while listening to members of our school community as they’ve expressed their needs around our diversity, 股本, 和包容(DEI)的努力. 来支持我们持续的旅程, 我很自豪地分享我们关于多样性的新声明, 股本, 包含:

澳门官方老葡京社区追求, 支持, 并拥抱各种各样的多样性, recognizing the collective strength derived from our individual differences. We are committed to creating a school environment in which all 学生 feel welcome, 已知的, 听到, 安全, 公平对待, while establishing ourselves as a leader in 股本 and justice initiatives. 

  • We recognize and celebrate the unique value and dignity of every student.
  • We commit to doing the work of diversity, 股本, and inclusion both internally and externally.
  • We foster authentic and reciprocal relationships with families.
  • We strive to teach a culturally sustaining curriculum and engage in culturally sustaining instructional practices.
In practice, these goals and expectations affect all members of the Ellis community. 

我们的 学生 continue to discover the power of using their voices to cultivate change. 我们的 亲密团体s are going strong and our Student Diversity League (SDL) is preparing and planning our 第17届年度文化果酱活动. 我们的 keynote speaker will be the Second Lady of Pennsylvania, Gisele Fetterman. 去年11月,SDL在她的合作下. Dotson,女士. Kilpela, 和我, led a Calling In Workshop which was an opportunity for our non-Black 学生 and teachers to engage in open dialogue about the powerful role that race plays in all of our lives and in our community. 在一起, 学生 and teachers actively considered our shared responsibility in creating an inclusive and 安全 space for our Black classmates, 学生, 和他的同事们.

Ellis continues to find ways to build community with families while honoring our health and 安全ty protocols. 多元化办公室, 股本, 和我nclusion and the Ellis Parent Association are partnering to deliver a 虚拟系列 它专注于提供以DEI为重点的编程. 该系列以小组讨论开始, followed by three more virtual events that address DEI by division. 

教职员工最近参加了一个研讨会 professional development session on cultural competency and culturally responsive teaching strategies to lay the groundwork for future DEI initiatives and training. I have begun the work of piloting a culturally sustaining coaching model with the third grade teaching team. 

董事会多元化及共融委员会 (BCDI) continues to play an integral role in our DEI efforts and initiatives. 梅肯芬利 和我 meet regularly with the BCDI to share the latest update on our goals and priorities. 

我继续收到校友的来信并与他们交流. It is important for me to have conversations with alumnae about their Ellis experience, 让他们了解我们最新的DEI工作, and discuss ways they can continue to be engaged in DEI efforts at Ellis. 

Every member of the Ellis community has a stake in this work. Each of us has a story about our own Ellis experience and it is my hope that your daughter’s story includes her feeling seen, 听到, 我们整个学校都知道. Whether you chose Ellis for its academic rigor or its outstanding reputation for empowering girls, it is crucial that we all work together to ensure that Ellis is a place that celebrates and practices diversity, 股本, 融入到学校生活的方方面面.


If you're interested in exploring Ellis for your daughter, let's connect! 请求的信息 关于招生,参加我们的一个 即将来临的事件,或者从最了解澳门新葡新京官方的人那里听到关于澳门新葡新京官方的消息; 我们的学生.